Current Version: A1a
1 Introduction
This TAP is intended to provide a means of backing up & restoring your system settings, so they can be easily restored after a crash, new firmware load, or Factory Reset.
It can be used in either of two ways:
(1) Run manually, when settings may be saved or restored.
(2) Run from Auto Start at boot time, when settings are restored.
The latter must be preceded by at least one instance of the former to record your settings.
2 Installation & Use
Download the TAP from here. Load the TAP into your preferred directory, and make sure you have a "ProgramFiles/Settings" directory as this is where your settings will be stored as "SystemSettings.txt".
When run manually from any directory (including Auto Start provided you have not just re-booted) you will be offered the choice of saving the currrent settings, restoring the saved settings (if it finds a set), and doing nothing. When you have made your choice, it is implemented and the TAP closes.
When run from Auto Start at boot-up, it restores the settings without user intervention, and shuts itself down.
If running from Auto Start, the load order should not affect operation, but it is probably sensible to have it last so any manually loaded TAPs come up last too (if a TAP is closed, its "slot" remains empty until the next to be loaded takes up its "slot" - the remaining running ones do not shuffle up).
3 Parameters Saved & Restored
These are:
Osd Language
Subtitle Language
Audio Language
Tv Type
Video Out Type
Scart Type
Tv Aspect Ratio
16:9 Display mode on 4:3 Tvs
Sound Mode
RF Output Type
RF Output Ch No
Osd Transparency
Info Box Time
Info Box Position
Timeshift on/off
Interactive On/Off (TF5800 only)
Subtitles On/Off (TF5800 only)
Current TV/Radio selection
Current channel selection
4 Sample System Settings File
The "zip file includes a sample "SystemSettings.txt" file.
Editing this to required values and loading the the TAP into Auto Start would allow recovery from a state where the Toppy got into a state where it was only producing a video type which was incompatible with your TV.
1 Known Limitations
(1) < 30 seconds from start up is used to decide whether the TAP has been run at boot up. Verifying files will therefore probably prevent it restoring settings after a crash. It would also be possible to run it manually withi this time, in which case it would restore the last settings without offering the option to record current settings.
(2) Current Favourites list selection is not saved/restored.
2 Version History
A1 Initial version
A1a More tolerant of, and less likely to produce, settings files with stray characters.